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“Salama” in Kiswahili and Arabic, often used for greeting, means peace. The use and understanding of peace here is more than the conventional meaning of peace as the absence of conflict, rather it points to a much deeper and broader meaning, which is the state of tranquillity attained when the deeper and universal human needs are being met. These needs are not limited to the physical but extend to the social, psychological, and spiritual needs. Such needs include the longing for love, being accorded dignity, and equal treatment.

The name Salama was chosen with this philosophy that underpins the strife to attain the desirable “peace of mind” for everyone, as the driving motivation, to accord people with special needs and those who find themselves in need of support, due to circumstances beyond their control, enabling them to have the peace of mind they so yearn for.


Peace and Integrity
Dedicated To Your Peace of Mind and Smile


To be the leading NDIS provider that participants and families seek to realize their deeper heart longings.


To enhance participants’ peace of mind, by providing equal opportunities and outstanding support services.


To achieve our vision and mission, Salama Services shall be guided by the following three values accriminated as R.I.E.


Respect as a Salama value is to commit to listening and to put the interests and wishes of our participants above anything else, to be sensitive to their cultural needs by enabling an inclusive environment, ensuring that participants’ abilities are cherished and not diminished in any way, and where necessary, advocate and make their voices heard by top policy and decision-makers.


Integrity as a Salama value means a commitment to operate with strong moral and ethical principles: to be honest, consistent, transparent, and accountable in our words, actions, and business dealings with all stakeholders, and actively seek feedback and ideas from our participants to ensure they have the best outcomes.


Empathy as a Salama value to act with awareness, understanding, and sensitivity to the feelings, experiences, and thoughts of our participants imagining ourselves to be wearing the other’s shoes. It is in this regard Salama has its motto for service as “Peace and Integrity”.
