Assist Personal Activities: Low Intensity


Salama Services assists Personal activities which relate to supporting and assistance with daily personal activities. It may range from regular personal skills to complex personal assistance, that with the help of our experienced and caring staff can allow our clients to live life independently and in the manner, they choose, “Live the life way, You want”.

We provide flexible support across a variety of natures: a participant living alone, undertaking social, recreational, education or employment activities, during holidays away from home. Personal care is vital for daily life and progression as an individual, where here at Salama Services, we ensure that the needs of our client are met at various levels of personal care.


Our care is specific to our client’s needs, which may vary widely:

Personal Care
 Help during eating or drinking
 Mobility: moving in or out of bed and around the house
 Attending appointments
 Personal hygiene: showering, bathing, oral hygiene, dressing and grooming

Complex Personal Care
 Client-specific care which can refer to tasks which at the participant’s request cannot be provided by family members or friends.
 The manner and complexity will vary across our clients, but our trained and caring staff will ensure that all their needs are met.
 We take into account behavioural inconsistencies amongst our clients and based on such differences, we ensure that more intensive assistance is available.

We provide support based on several aspects of our clients:

 Their weight (and other physical aspects)
 Medical condition: medication needs, Supervise/support/ administration medication.
 Personality based traits where they may prefer a certain type of carer (Choice).
 High care needs: Our experienced Registered nurse involve in it.

We have trained and experienced staff members with over 20 language proficiencies from several different backgrounds so that the clients receive more intuitive support.
